Monday, December 24, 2007
Sam's task is easier laa! LOL. I think I'm gonna leave out physics, but I'm still wondering whether its the right choice or not. Cause you know... there's always GT around. I know there isn't much hope that next year's lessons with him will be any better but, isn't it better to leave a good impression on the first day? LOL! :X
Agnes, that picture is uglyyyyyy! ):
I miss you all so much. ): Can celebrate xmas tog? LOL! :p
Sunday, December 23, 2007
hahaha! wanxin forgot about vectors 10c as well! omg. so manyyyy! i'mma gonna die of homework overloading.
in reply to sam's request, i think i cannot do maths and physics. hahahaha! maybe only econs. only find article. lol.
and anyway, wanxin ah, that picture only show half your face, so ya. hahahaha! PRETTY LA! STILL GOT LIPSTICK LEI. LOLLLL
and sam, incase i forget,
same goes to zixian! :DDD
Saturday, December 22, 2007
the previous entry is scary. please do state what you can't complete or don't intend to complete in our tagboard so we can all be sailing on the same boat next year.
10 more days to school reopen. is anyone excited already? i seriously can't wait for next year to speed pass and be gone.
meanwhile, enjoy christmas and enjoy trying to complete your holiday homework.
Wah! Agnes, your task very difficult to accomplish lei. But, nevertheless, wanxin the great will attempt the great task! :D LOL!
Let's see..
1. English
Find 5 articles about some thing that I forgot. Its prolly about national affairs or something important shit la. Check
this out for more information! :D
2. Mathematics
Do integration tutorial plus the maths revision paper!
3. Physics
2 tutorials on thermal physics!
4. Economics
Find 3 articles about macroeconomics and answer a few questions as stated on the holiday assignment worksheet.
I don't know about literature but I don't have biology homework. YAY-ness! :D
Glad to know that Zixian is back. Boulder, have fun okay? :D Miss everyone loads! Can't wait for school to reopen, minus the holiday homework that is. BYE!

helloooooo! i was pretty shocked to see sam's post. so its my turn! hahahaha
so the holidays has been a real disaster. all those plans to study and catch up really failed big time! now i dont even think i can finish all my homework in time for school. die
anyway, YAY! WANXIN AND ZIXIAN IS BACK! but boulder is going off soon. aiya. 2 come back 1 go. left sam and agnes 24/7 in singapore. hahaha!
can someone like list out all the homework we have? lol.
agnes is utterly dead! sad!
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Yay-ness! I'm finally back from taiwan! :D
Did I say that I met Zixian in Taiwan? LOL! On my 2nd day, and his 1st day. I thought that going to taiwan would mean seeing taiwanese stars but nope, I saw none. Instead, I saw felicia chin there la! So dumb!
and yes sam, I did get you stuff! Miss you all loads! :D
Saturday, December 15, 2007
here is sam who will be you an update.
it's the 15th of december. that means 12 more days to maths retest for sam. (and zi xian and i forgot who else already. douglas?) that also means 18 more days to back-to-school day (which, for you info, i horribly dread. i think you dread it too).
wanxin is in taiwan. she left singapore like 2, T.W.O., days ago. i miss wanxin! anyway, she said she'll get me stuffs. HAHAHA. (:
friday (as in yesterday), agnes and i went for training. i woke up late. agnes woke up later. so we were late. and my passes suck. by the way, i am aching all over now. i think because we did star jumps. but never mind. aches are good because when you ache due to exercise you know your body is doing something good.
after training we went to eat with everyone as usual.
then on our way home we stopped by singapore post to go to popular to play with 20Q. it's this electronic toy which can tell you what you're thinking after asking you 20 yes-or-no questions. 20Q is spooky. i was thinking of an electric guitar on my 1st try. and it got it right. it was so freaky. i believe agnes agrees. then we went to macs and tried to be 20Q. so we ask each other questions. and agnes is lousier than a machine, a small machine to be exact.
i kinda miss everyone in school now. so anyone, if you're reading. haha i don't know who will be reading cos this place has been breeding mosquitos for a long time. i apologise for not posting enough and for posting really senseless stuff or smileys and all.
i just realised our banner image is like gone! the photo server has probably kicked me out or something. the missing banner has intrigued me to create a new skin but time is too strong an enemy to defeat. but i'll put the missing banner back soon.
come tag us more! and i hope this post can satisfy you.